Tuesday 24 January 2012

Chinese New Year 2012

Long time since I was back here.
It's already Chinese New Year and the year of the Dragon has come.
So, what does this year holds for me? The experts say it will be a bad year for Dragons... yes,I am a Dragon if you didn't know... :o).

I expect this year to be better then last year with lots of stuff happening in terms of business and I look to the blessings of God to guide me in all my undertakings to proof the feng shui experts wrong.
Echoing what my uncle said, Dragon year, we are the Dragon slayers and will be able to slay all the Dragons that stand in our way. We only befriends with Dragons who are on our side.. :o)

Lets see how it fans outs in the next couple of weeks.
Will come back and share my tales of the happenings whether good or bad and let you all know who will be winning, feng shui experts or me.

Cheers. ... and Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Thursday 12 January 2012


Good morning,
Has been a while since i wrote something. :o)
So today is Friday the 13th, the first of the 3 for this year.
Yes there will only be 3 Friday the 13ths this year.

So, how is the year 2012 treating us so far?
For me, it has been a busy 2 weeks, with lots of ups and downs.
Now to convert all the downs to ups and hope it moves the right way.

Have to go for an appointment now...will continue later.

Friday 6 January 2012

My When Will I Die Test

My When Will I Die Test results:

  • I have 45 years left to live.
  • I will die in 2057 at age 80.
  • I am beating the average lifespan for someone my age by 3 years.
  • To put it another way, I have the health of a 32 year old man.
  • I have lived 44% of my life already.

Thursday 5 January 2012

The 1st Friday of the year 2012


Hope the week was productive.

As for me, still had the ups and downs of 2011 but with all the momentum being built up, I am hoping the vibrations will be changing soon.

With the ups and down, didn't have time/mood to exercise this week.

Therefore not sure if the weight went up as metabolism went down. :)

Some tips though, what i learnt from my experience loosing weight, 80% of the journey is all about your diet and eating habits. 20% is due to the exercise.

I have experienced that by exercising 7 days a week and not maintaining a healthy eating habit, my weight goes up. ( what are unhealthy eating habits?? will tell you later).

However, by exercising and maintaining the healthy eating habit, my weight drops from between 500gms to 1.5kgs a week. This depends on how vigorous your exercise is.

Will share these stories later.

Now back to work and some light indoor work outs.


Tuesday 3 January 2012

2012.. still looks the same as last year

Today is the 4th day of the new year 2012. Hmm.. it still looks the same to me.
Luck has not changed yet..hahaha...
Still same as last year :)
Anyway, it's still early, will wait and see later if it changes.

More to come.

Monday 2 January 2012

The post parties..


Today is a new day where people drag their feet back to work and face reality.

It was a short holiday away from work for me where i had some peace with nobody calling or chasing me for stuff or money :o).

anyway, now that the new day is here, I guess we all have to kick ourselves in the butt and get moving.

I started my day as usual, on skype chattin with my associates and trying to follow up on a sale of a product. Told them I need money for CNY so we need to sell the products available.

To my dismay, the potential buyers are still on holiday... aiyooooooooo... some people can really party.

Then it got me thinking... parties... what will people who are suffering from post party syndroms be thinkin today?

Now is the time people will start realizing of things they didn't do last year and will vow to do it this year blah blah..

For me... hmmm..... same feeling, wishing things and situations will be different so that I could do alot more with my life, for my loved ones, etc.

Are you in the same category?

New year 2012

Hello 2012 and hello all...
Happy New Year .
This is my first time ever writing a blog. So, as I go along, feel free to provide your comments so that I can improve. Have not been a big fan of writing for so long and decided to start something new this year.

Hmmm... so, What will be in store for 2012? who knows, whatever will be, will be. :)
As I look forward to 2012, i look at 2011 and see what I accomplished in 2011.
After one year, the only major thing i accomplished was shedding some weight.
I was 120kg in 2009 and am now 95kg in 2011.
will share more later...

time to have a nap...

GBU all.